Showing 1 - 8 of 8 Results
Direct-Detection LADAR Systems by Richmond, Richard D., Cain,... ISBN: 9780819480729 List Price: $51.00
A List of Adjudicated Patents: Arranged by Number and by Subject-Matter or Title of Invention by Underwood, Lineas D., Richm... ISBN: 9781113803948 List Price: $28.99
A List of Adjudicated Patents: Arranged by Number and by Subject-Matter or Title of Invention by Underwood, Lineas D., Richm... ISBN: 9781113803924 List Price: $31.75
A List of Adjudicated Patents: Arranged by Number and by Subject-Matter or Title of Invention by Underwood, Lineas D., Richm... ISBN: 9781113803917 List Price: $19.99
List of Adjudicated Patents : Arranged by Number and by Subject-Matter or Title of Invention by Povey, Richard G., Underwoo... ISBN: 9781113803870 List Price: $23.99
A List of Adjudicated Patents: Arranged by Number and by Subject-Matter or Title of Invention by Lineas D Underwood, Carl A ... ISBN: 9780526755837 List Price: $26.95
List of Adjudicated Patents : Arranged by Number and by Subject-Matter or Title of Invention by Underwood, Lineas D., Richm... ISBN: 9780526755820 List Price: $16.95
A List of Adjudicated Patents : Arranged by Number and by Subject-Matter or Title of Invention by Richard G Povey, Lineas D U... ISBN: 9781113803894 List Price: $24.99